Sunday, December 27, 2009


Today is the end of my extended weekend...4 days just isn't enough!  But it was a pretty relaxing break, we didn't do much of anything.  Christmas Eve was spent with Shane's family, Christmas morning was spent opening presents from Santa, and playing outside.  Saturday we ran to town to get a few things, then watched tv and sat in the hot tub. Sunday we went on a snowmobile ride (just Shane and I, so we actually went over 9mph).  My family's Christmas will be tomorrow evening (Monday) after I get done with work. Another short week this week....Yay for holidays!

The snow was perfect for snowmen, but it fell over that night!
It probably didn't help that Toga kept jumping up on it, trying to
eat the mouth made out of fruit roll-up!

Mason's new 4-wheeler from Papa Tom & Gramma Lindy
The boxing gloves were a hit (literally)!

Presents from Santa

Yes, he even got a baby!  He always steals dolls from the girls in daycare,
so now he has his own!

Monday, December 21, 2009

What has Mason been up to?

So, Shane's been working on his racecars and plowing snow.  I've been busy shopping for and wrapping gifts.  And what has Mason been doing, you ask?  Maybe you didn't ask, but I'm going to tell you anyway!  So if you don't want to know, now's the time to X out of here!  Of course, I'm still his favorite parent, but he  sure has taken a liking to hanging out with Shane while he's laid off.  They've been plowing snow, snowmobiling, sleeping in, and relaxing in the hot tub.  I'll try to bribe him to stay with me, but he says "Mom, don't be sad, I'll be right back!"  I actually prefer that he get out of my hair for a bit anyway....It's so much more peaceful!

He came out of the bathroom looking this way.....

At least he knows where it goes (even though he's like 15 years away from shaving).

It was 9:30am, and I figured I should go wake him up, and this was how he was sleeping!

Santa made a visit to daycare!

It's not so much fun getting there, but once you're in, it's nice and warm!

Watching Monster trucks on TV

Yesterday we all got on our snowmobiles, and rode for about 3 hours.  And do you believe we put on a whopping 10 miles (Yep, you heard right 10 MILES in 3 hours).  We rode to Papa Tom's and got Skyeler (Mason's cousin) to take his out with us on the lake.  Mason Arctic Cat 120 was max'd out at 7 mph, then Shane did some rigging with a zip-tie, and then that baby flew (a whole 9 mph).  It was still one of the funnest rides I've been on.  Watching him trying to copy Shane and Neil was hilarious.... Shane would ride standing, Mason would stand up.  Neil would put one knee up on the seat, Mason would put his knee on his seat. Then they were goofing off doing heel-clicks and supermans, so there's Mason jumping up, and kicking his feet out!  I wish I would've had my camera....But there's always next time!

Friday, December 18, 2009

More pics

So it's a work in progress, but the engine, tranny, and whatever else makes the car run are in and assembled.  Oh, and we got the wheel covers on (and everyone knows that adds like 5hp, right)!  Now to decide on colors for the A-mod (I say blue, Shane says orange....Ah-hem, didn't I just say in the previous post that we were sick of orange?).  Oh, and maybe a can of black spray paint would do wonders on that drabby window net! :)

Saturday, December 12, 2009

The New Look

Well, here it is..........The debut of the 2010 graphics on the B-mod!  Thanks to Greg George Grafix for designing and applying the new wrap!  We were getting sick of orange, so thought we'd try black :)

Friday, December 11, 2009

Sad, But Humorous

So I had to run to the bank yesterday afternoon, and on my way home, I see 2 large signs at the end of this driveway.  I hate to leave Shane with all the rugrats (aka...daycare kids) longer than I have to, so I didn't turn around to read it.  But later that evening I drove down the road to check it out....And this is what it read :

Take it for what it's worth, I just found it to be an interesting conversation piece!!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Track Banquets

I just wanted to recap a few highlights of the racing banquets that we've attended.  The most recent was KRA (Willmar's banquet) at the Spicer Legion.  Sorry to all the other tracks, but this was my personal favorite for the food....dang, was it good!  Willmar tied North Central (Brainerd) in thoughtfulness of giving the drivers something above and beyond what was expected.  Brainerd gave a check to the drivers (aside from the Wissota point-fund check), which no other track did, so that was very nice of them!  And Willmar gave away rings (titanium, I think) to the champions.  They were brushed to look checkered...Pic below, and whoever picked them out...props to you!  Shane received two (one for each class), so we put one away and will give it to Mason when he grows up!  The I-94 banquet was scheduled the same night as Brainerd's, so we were not able to attend that one.  And no one really knows when/if the Golden Spike will even have a we shall see. 

Well, that's all for now! Happy Monday!

Dan Ebert, Dan Gullikson, Shane and Tim Johnson (NCS Champs)

Ring from KRA (Willmar)

Friday, December 4, 2009

Christmas Spirit

Mason's Tree

Mommy's Tree

Nothing really new here, just decorating for Christmas, and being home-bodies! Shane has been doing some muzzle loader hunter, and me and Mason have been putting up the tree, and hanging lights outside. I put lights on the house while he was napping one day, and another day we were both outside, and I was on the roof of the garage, so I told Mason that if I fall off, he needs to go knock on Russ's door (the neighbor) and tell him to come help me. Well, Mason kept a good eye on me, and I happened to cut my finger on a shingle, and told him I was bleeding. He immediately started running to the neighbor's house, yelling "I'll go get Russ"... So I'm helpless as he's running off, so I'm shouting "Get back here, I didn't fall off the roof yet!" Thankfully he actually listened for once! It was pretty funny, but maybe you had to be there!
I have most of my Christmas shopping done, although I'm not buying much this year, and cards have been addressed, now I'm just waiting for a huge blizzard to hit! Can't wait to get out snowmobiling, and making snowmen! :)