Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Kids say the Darndest things!

Of course, all kids say the darndest things, but here are a few of Mason’s good ones….

  • “MOM, I WANT A HANGABER ICECREAM” -Referring to wanting an icecream sandwich! Hangaber is hamburger.

  • Driving home, I told Mason to look at all the stars…. I then took a left and he said “why are the stars turning?” I said the stars stay still, it’s us that’s turning. He then understood, and said “OH YEAH, CAUSE STARS DON'T HAVE STEERING WHEELS"!

  • Mason always wants to eat junk food before dinner, so when he grabbed some peanut M&M’s, I explained to him what was junk food and how it fills up his belly and he won’t have room for the steak and potatoes I was making. So, after I was done talking to him, I told him to give me a hug before he ran off. He said “YEAH, CAUSE HUGS ARE HEALTHY!”

  • Mason was outside golfing (with a toy golf set), and he swung and missed. I said “Oh, you missed.” He says “OH YEAH, I FORGOT TO PUSH 'A'.” Because on Wii golf you need to press A when you swing!!

  • We were getting Mason ready for his preschool open house, and he wasn’t too excited about going to school, so I was telling about all the fun stuff they have there (like a gym with cars and basketball), and he then became really excited to go! He said “Yeah, I wanna go to preschool, buttttt Mom…………… I really love you and wanna stay home with you!” (This one I wrote down to remind me how sweet he can be, not so much that’s it funny.)

  • I bought this juice that is supposed to be sugar free and healthy and stuff. And being it was so expensive I told Mason that he couldn’t have any cause there’s beer in it (Yes, I lied). He said, “No there’s not”. I said your right, but I bought it for me. Well, of course I gave in, and let him have some. And he takes a drink, and says, “Oh, this is so yummy!” About 10 minutes later we were watching tv and, he says out of nowhere: “MOM, THANKS FOR BUYING ME LIQUOR!”

  • Mason was washing his hands the other night, and we hear him yelling “WHOA, THAT’S A LOTTA PRICE!” (Not “that’s a LOW price” like it’s suppose to be). Of course he said it a gazillion times just like in the commercial. And to be honest, he’s probably right, cause nothing is a low price anymore!

  • One of the funniest things he said was when he dropped and broke the pickle jar and had to go on timeout while I cleaned up the glass, he yelled “I’M NEVER COMING TO YOUR HOUSE AGAIN!” cause he actually thinks he’s a daycare kid and can leave or something?!?!
  • Along the same lines, he was with my sister Jenny one day, and apparently she made him mad, so he said “I’M NEVER WATCHING JENNY AGAIN” … Like she’s the one that needs the babysitter! Well……sometimes maybe….Just kidding, Jenny!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Quick post before bed.

I know I have an extremely busy and stressful week ahead (just looking at my daycare chart about gives me a mental breakdown :)  so I will just do a quick post of results before I hit the hay, and call 'er a day!

Friday was Princeton's opener, where we will probably be going most Friday's from here on out, being that I-94 in Sauk Centre is shut down.  Shane would like to try out a few other tracks too if he can get off work early enough.  But anyway, he won his heat with the midwest mod and also won the feature later that evening!  With the A-mod, he finished 2nd in heat, and 4th in the feature!

Saturday, we were scheduled to go to Brainerd, but they cancelled due to rain, as did every other potential track we thought about going to (Ogilvie, Alexandria, Rice Lake, Deer Creek, etc).  But then I got a text that Arlington was still racing (tho they don't run A-mods).  So we loaded up Shane's car, and Denis Czech's car (they split the cost of fuel, so it wasn't all that bad) and we were off.  Shane won his heat and feature! Denis finished 2nd in his heat and 3rd in the feature!

And yet again, I left my camera at home........Oops!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Long Overdue...

So I haven't updated in weeks (maybe more). I've been so busy with daycare (I got 2 new kids, and have no openings, which I guess is good for the money, but not so much for my insanity).  And now that racing has taken my weekends, I really don't have much time (and when there is time, I can usually find something better to do than type :)  And usually the people that care how Shane does send me a text asking for results, so I'm not too sure if this blogging is even worth my time... But for now, I'll continue to write when I get time...

But the races have been up and running for the past 3 weekends (since April 3rd).  We raced at Chateau Raceway, Deer Speedway, and Viking Speedway since then.  Shane has picked up 2 wins with the midwest mod, and has been so-so with the A-mod.  He has done fairly well with "new" A-mod at Chateau and Deer Creek. 

Pics from Deer Creek 2 weeks ago
 This past weekend was Viking Speedway's annual Fall Classic (which was post-poned til Spring).  Thursday night was practice and we brought both A-mods there to test and tune.  He said the "white" (new) one felt better driving, but he kept getting better lap times with the black "old" car.  He says the engine in the black car is way better than the white car, so he opted to race the black one.... Well, he couldn't seem to get out of his own way come feature time!  He ended up placing 13th. 

Shane redrew a 1 for his midwest mod starting position, and led all of it, for the $1,000 paycheck!  Guess who else hit the jackpot?! ...... ME!  I won $446 on the 50/50 drawing, which I spent $5 on tickets!  No shopping spree for me though.... I think I'll save it for entry fees for me and Mason!

So I always used to keep my camera in my purse, and now, since it takes up more room than my old one, I keep in the closet.  Well sure enough, that's where it sat all weekend.  So sorry for no "Fall Classic in the Spring" pics!

The weather this weekend was beautiful, Sunday Shane took the cars to Brainerd's practice, and Mason and I spent all day outside, riding 4-wheeler, biking, raking, and then he helped Shane wash the cars when he got home.  I was hoping the day wouldn't end, cuz I hate Mondays just as much as you do!