Two posts in one week...It's your lucky day! LOL :) Yesterday was MY lucky day! Mason had a dentist appointment (his final one), and I didn't have anyone to watch the kids...maybe I didn't look very hard, but regardless, I had to take the day off! I also wanted to have the day off so that we could go do something fun after his appointment. The last time he went, it was pretty painful, so I sort-of bribed him into going again (without throwing a fit) by going to the pool afterwards! Mason has always been "a tough guy". When he gets hurt he usually just clenches his jaw and punches the air. I would prefer he just cries, but nope! he's tough! In the case of the dentist, I'm glad he has a tough attitude, because it makes it much easier for the dentist to get the work done. He does cry when we get to the car, but not as bad this time as the last. I think last time was part shock for not knowing how bad it was going be, but this time he knew it wasn't going to be fun like a cleaning!
His left side is still numb! :) He drank some juice out of a straw and it ran all over his shirt...He's like "mom, why can't I do it?!?!"
Braelyn usually loves the water, but it was COLD. By late afternoon it had finally warmed up!
She preferred to crawl all over and chase the ants, rather than go in the cold water. But I think her knees were beginning to get sore/raw, because she started doing this ----->
And speaking of the ants...brings me to my next thought. I understand being cautious of safety issues (like drowning or falling on the cement and hitting your head), but geez, some moms need to lighten up a bit! There was a mom (or possibly aunt, or babysitter), who did NOT STOP talking, and it was "get away from there", "come back here", "don't run", "dont touch them bugs, that's yucky", "do you have to go potty", "play nice with him", "get the toys out of your mouth"! It was borderline annoying- to the point we maybe should've went somewhere else since we were there to relax...but I ignored it, and let my daughter chase ants, and chew on a chlorine logged toy. And I let my son scoop the bugs out of the pool with his hand, and if he peed in the pool, I wouldn't know! But when you go to a public pool, expect other kids to pee in it, cuz that's what kids do! When I observed her 2 children, they seemed well behaved and acted normal to me, so just lay off, and let them be kids!! And maybe she was thinking I was the worst mother ever for letting my children go about doing what they wanted... And maybe she's blogging about how I laid there and tanned while my kids were seemingly unsupervised.... but to each there own! :)