Thursday, February 26, 2015

So God Made Girls

My recent few posts have been all about Mason; his birthday, his room, his racing.  I figure I better give a little update on the other child that roams this house!  Some facts about Braelyn:
She is 4 years old
Favorite color: pink and red
Favorite food: noodles
Favorite restaurant: Buffalo Wild Wings
Favorite animal: Pig
Favorite friend: Wyatt (from daycare)
She is strong willed (read: refuses to wear socks, and pants that aren't just the right length and looseness).  She wants to be a pig farmer when she grows up, or a doctor. I told her to be both!  She wants to move to a farm and have pigs, sheep, goats, horses, and kittens.  I agree, and would add chickens and cows! 
She is carefree and confident, and really teaches me how awesome our inner child is. Before we let culture/society dampen our spirit; before we let fear of failure or people's opinions hold us back.  She has dance parties and sings her heart out.  She compliments strangers; from bright pink hair to full-arm tattoos.  She sees beauty everywhere. She wears mismatched things in public and shoes without socks.  And sometimes stays in her pajamas all day.  She rarely brushes her hair, and I don't care.  She is good for my soul!
 A random day's choice of wardrobe (swimsuit and dress up heels)
And sometimes, you can never have enough accessories.
And if you like cottage cheese on pizza, eat it!

And sometimes there are no words. 
I found her "relaxing" one morning with her feet on the massager, cars lined up the upper half of her body (including one over her eyes), and a dumbbell laying across her waist with a hippo on top.


Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Mason's New Bedroom

For the past 4 years the kids have shared a bedroom down the hall from ours.  Well, actually 3 because I think Mason slept on the floor in our room until he started Kindergarten. (I'll address that later.)  They had bunk beds and Mason goes to bed at 8:30pm by himself and Braelyn would get carried to bed around 10pm (my bedtime) after falling asleep on the couch or in our bed.  They couldn't go to sleep at the same time or they would sit and chat and keep eachother awake.  Finally we decided it was time for Mason to get his own room upstairs, but I was in no hurry so I said I'd do it gradually and shoot for Springtime to move.  One thing I've realized about myself though, is that I don't like having an unfinished job/project in the back of my head.  So what was intended to be a gradual process turned into a 4-day ordeal of painting, sanding, staining, nailing, screwing, stud finding, online shopping, and several trips to Home Depot.  And although I've already considered myself a pro at painting (not for preciseness but for speed), I can now add wood working to my resume! ;) HA!



Mason just loves it and does awesome being on a different level of the house.  I think it's quieter up there so he isn't yelling "TURN DOWN THE TV" a gazillion times while we're trying to watch our shows (Chicago Fire, Chicago PD & Parenthood).  And like I mentioned earlier, he did sleep on the floor of our room for maybe a little longer than recommended.  Heck, I'm pretty sure "they" recommend your child never sleep in your room.  But you know what? It always seemed to bother people who didn't live in our house more than it bothered any of us.  And I always knew he wasn't going to willingly want to sleep in our room when he got older, because, who wants to have friends over and say, "Hey, this is where I sleep" while pointing to a crib mattress next to their parents' bed?  I knew it would be short lived (in perspective), so I enjoyed it while it lasted.  And now it's such a vague memory that I don't regret it a bit.