The 2009 Wissota National banquet wrapped up the season crowning all the national champions. And I'm not attempting to list them all (without researching), cause I know I'll mess one up. I do keep tabs on the mods and midwest mod (for obvious reasons), and Blake Jegtvig won the points in the A-mod division, and Dustin Strand was crowned champ in the midwest mods! Congrats to all the national champs this 2009 season!!!
Shane finished 4th in the A-mod, and 2nd in the mwm, and came home with some cash and prizes. The night was entertaining to say the least, and from what I remember, everyone (except those who ended up in jail) had a ton of fun! I'm sure the Kelly Inn staff is thankful that they only see the racing group once a year, as some tend to get a little rowdy (in a fun way)!!
Well, progress is being made on the mwm, as it is being completely put back together from one of the last races' crash. The A-mod is in storage (temporarily), because our garage is too small for both cars. Slowly but surely, they will both be gone through and looked over, but the plan is to keep the same cars for next year.
Wishing everyone reading this a blessed Thanksgiving! Get out your Christmas decor, it's right around the corner!