Monday, June 6, 2011

June 2-5

This is going to be quick...

Thursday-Willmar: mwm- 4th, super- 3rd, A-mod- something broke in the engine during the heat, so he was unable to race the feature.

Friday- since the engine broke in the A-mod and the tranny broke in the mwm the night prior...we went to Princeton to spectate, OH! I mean, race the superstock.  It was an easy/relaxing night with only 1 car to have to worry about.  Shane ended up 4th in the feature!

Saturday- Brainerd: Won with the mwm, 6th with the A-mod, and 2nd with superstock!  Remember the bounty that I talked about in a previous post (on Ebert), he needed to finish the race in order for Shane to be eligible for the bonus money.  He (Dan) got a flat during the feature, voiding the bounty bonus.  However, he had already raced past Shane before he got a flat, so I'm pretty certain Shane wouldn't have got the bonus money anyway (if you know what I mean!) ;) But hey, a wins a win! 

Sorry no pics this week, and/or details.  It's 90* out, so me and 10 kids are going to run through the sprinkler to cool off!

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