Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Kids Update

Braelyn has been doing a lot of "new" things lately.  She was never good at eating baby food (except carrots) off a spoon...of course she'll take icecream from a spoon, but fruit or veggies...NOPE!  So I got this brilliant idea to put the baby food in a bottle with a super fast flow nipple, and she'll suck it right down!  I feel better knowing she's actually getting something nutritious, and not just eating snacks all day. Her all-time favorite food right now is cottage cheese! She also loves noodles (tuna noodle & ramen mostly), and is getting very good at a sippy cup! 

The other day I didn't see her anywhere in the house, so I asked the daycare kids "Where's Brae?"  Here the gate at the bottom of the stairway had been unlocked and she crawled up ALL of the steps (without falling) and was playing upstairs!  She hasn't had a tumble yet, but was very close one time when I heard her screaming, I ran over & her hands were on one step, and her feet were 2 steps above that...she had caught herself with her hands (belly down)!  She can also stand for a good while, but falls when she takes a step! 

Her hair is getting so long, that she almost always has to have a pony in or it hangs in her eyes!  I wanted to cut her bangs so bad, but Shane wanted it to grow out.  It's cute as long as it's in a pony or clip, otherwise she looks like a sheep dog! :)

Mason has learned how to ride bike without training wheels!  Shane and my brother, Paul, pushed him back and forth one evening in the grass (for a softer landing), and within a couple weeks, he was taking off on his own around the driveway!  He still has his fair share of diggers, but he's getting better! 

This one makes me literally LOL!! :)

 He is also sleeping ALL NIGHT in his own bed! He loved the security of being on the floor in our room, but was starting to complain that it wasn't very comfy anymore, so I started a "sticker chart" and if he wakes up in the morning in HIS bed, he gets a sticker, and after 10, he will get a reward (space aliens, bounce depot or a movie)!  It's taking a while to get 10, being that he's been at Heidi's, grandmas, currently camping for 3 days with my family, and this weekend we're going camping again!  The kid likes to bum! :)

1 comment:

Metalystic said...

Thats awesome! Its so fun watching them learn something new. Carter rode a dirt bike for the first time a couple weeks ago. I think I had more fun then he did. He even popped a wheelie by accident while shifting. It was hilarious!