I googled "the opposite of a hoarder" because I didn't really have a name for what I routinely do, which is get rid of stuff. And a few articles later, it turns out I might have a psychological disorder, called obsessive-compulsive spartanism. Of course, the internet exaggerates everything... Like the time I googled Mason's stomach ache symptoms, and then made a doctor appt fearing it was a stomach tumor or appendicitis or some life threatening illness. Nope, turns out he was just constipated. There's a big difference between all the scary stuff I read on the internet and just needing to take a shit! Long story short, I don't actually believe I have a disease of decluttering, but it doesn't even bother me if I do!
The older I get, the more I realize I don't like "stuff". Having things that don't serve me, actually makes me feel burdened and overwhelmed when I see it. So I purge it. And I enjoy it (which is where the disorder may actually be true:)). Usually once a month I go thru cabinets, drawers and closets and get rid of things that accumulated that I no longer use (or no longer fit...kid's clothes). This month's basket had things like: winter hats/gloves, dvd's, flower vases, home décor, and kitchen appliances. Yes, I love a homemade Belgian waffle topped with strawberries and whip cream, but I haven't made myself one in over 3 years so the chances of using the waffle maker are slim. And last month, I debated ditching it, but told myself I'd use it and never did.

I have a couple rules when clearing the clutter... One is that if it's not beautiful or useful, I don't keep it. Even if it has sentimental value (gasp!). I mean, what's the point of keeping your great-grandmother's china set if all you do with it is keep it in a box in your basement? You are getting absolutely no enjoyment or pleasure or use out of it if it's stored in a brown box in the dungeon of your house. If you indeed find it BEAUTIFUL, then keep it. But try to display it somewhere so that when you walk by it, you will be reminded of your great-grandma. Or USE it! And if giving sentimental valuable things to strangers (Good Will, Salvation Army, etc) makes you feel uneasy, offer it to other family members who may find a use or beauty in it.
*Of course, there's always exceptions to rules, and I do keep a small box of keepsakes for each of my 4 children.
My second rule is, if I don't have room in my dresser or a hanger for it in my closet, then something needs to go. If I come home with 4 new shirts but only have 2 open hangers, then 2 old shirts need to go. And to be honest, there's 100+ shirts hanging in my closet, but I always resort to my current favorite 10 or so.
And so I've decided that I'm bordering a psychological disorder of getting rid of things, who's married to someone with a psychological disorder of keeping things..... :)
THIS POST (on how one lives with the other) TO BE CONTINUED....