Well, to be honest, I am officially sick of racing! Not the actual racing, or working endless hours on the car, or winning, or losing...But purely the drama that comes with being a competitve racer. Take it for what it is, but I can reassure you none of this would be happening if Shane only won 2 races a year. We show up to the track like every other of the 90 cars that sign in, to TRY to win. Do we think Shane should win "every" race? NO, but he's gonna try his hardest regardless of the fact that some people think he should "let" others win. We are thankful for the achievements that have come our way, and know that someday this will come to end. And when that time comes, you'll look back and realize who your true friends are, and which ones make all kinds of excuses to hate because of your success.
Did the track make a "bad" call Sunday night? Who cares! There are countless times I can think of that I thought Shane shoulda went to the back, but didn't. There is always 2 sides to a story, and track officials do the best they can, because they love racing. One time, you'll get a break, the next you might think you got screwed. Deal with it! Learn to take the good with the bad! The drama in the pits Sunday was nothing to do with the call on the track, but more of tempers flaring from anger that apparently has been brewing for some time, as the money in one's pocket definitely confirmed that.
I debated whether on not to even bring this subject up, but I guess I sometimes get defensive, as this is my life. We don't go camping, or attend family gatherings, or take summer vacations, or go to the zoo, or park on Saturday afternoon. Me and Mason sacrifice alot to allow Shane to race, and Yes, I could put my foot down, and say "quit". But ultimately, for the most part, we enjoy racing, and have met some wonderful people, and usually have an awesome time at the track, regardless of how Shane finishes. I'd rather be drinking a beer with our racing buddies on a night he places last, than sitting home, because of a few bad apples on the tree of the racing community. We do our best to treat others the way we would like to be treated, and by that I am only speaking for Shane and I, as I have no control of any of our crew, fans, family or supporters.
Well, now to the GOOD STUFF.....
Congrats to #37 Ryan Kriese on his first win of the season @ North Central Speedway! He ran a awesome race, and we were truly happy for him!! Good job, Ryan!
Also, Congrats to #2 Denis Czech on his first win of the season @ Golden Spike Speedway!! After 13 second place finishes, it was about time! Good Job, Denis!
Did the track make a "bad" call Sunday night? Who cares! There are countless times I can think of that I thought Shane shoulda went to the back, but didn't. There is always 2 sides to a story, and track officials do the best they can, because they love racing. One time, you'll get a break, the next you might think you got screwed. Deal with it! Learn to take the good with the bad! The drama in the pits Sunday was nothing to do with the call on the track, but more of tempers flaring from anger that apparently has been brewing for some time, as the money in one's pocket definitely confirmed that.
I debated whether on not to even bring this subject up, but I guess I sometimes get defensive, as this is my life. We don't go camping, or attend family gatherings, or take summer vacations, or go to the zoo, or park on Saturday afternoon. Me and Mason sacrifice alot to allow Shane to race, and Yes, I could put my foot down, and say "quit". But ultimately, for the most part, we enjoy racing, and have met some wonderful people, and usually have an awesome time at the track, regardless of how Shane finishes. I'd rather be drinking a beer with our racing buddies on a night he places last, than sitting home, because of a few bad apples on the tree of the racing community. We do our best to treat others the way we would like to be treated, and by that I am only speaking for Shane and I, as I have no control of any of our crew, fans, family or supporters.
Well, now to the GOOD STUFF.....
Congrats to #37 Ryan Kriese on his first win of the season @ North Central Speedway! He ran a awesome race, and we were truly happy for him!! Good job, Ryan!
Also, Congrats to #2 Denis Czech on his first win of the season @ Golden Spike Speedway!! After 13 second place finishes, it was about time! Good Job, Denis!
I almost forgot about Jonny Yilek in the Super Stocks @ North Central Speedway!! It truly was a weekend for first time winners! Good Job, JY!!
Have a good week everyone! Learn to live and let go! Move on, and be happy!!
Have a good week everyone! Learn to live and let go! Move on, and be happy!!
So true. It's sad when the jealousy & drama get in the way of the fun. There are a lot of good people at the track, don't let those who enjoy being hateful, childish and vindictive get to you. You have a lot of support!
A little off topic, but do you have any interest in racing in Gillette, WY on Sept 11th and 12 for the East-West Clash? The Wissota Midwest Mods are paying $1,200 to win and $85 to start. We usually get a couple of national point contenders to come over... If you have any questions email me at gbpackerfan247@yahoo.com
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