Friday, February 19, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day (a li'l late).....

We spent Valentine's Day at the Eystad's house watching the Daytona 500.  It was a relaxing, fun day (and the finish of the race was worth watching).  Normally when the Nascar race is on, I take a nap...Wait, I did take a nap during the track surface repair job!  Sorry Corey and Jen if I left a little drool on Corey's Spongebob blankie! :)
Mason after eating his "Fun-Dip" ( sugar)
His new movie (Brother Bear 2)
We went to the neighbors house for a little guitar hero, and Mason loved it.  We had this one laying around, and played it once a year ago, and kinda forgot about it....Keeps him occupied, even if he does get booed off stage after 10 seconds. :)
Watching his new movie with Heidi's puppy!
The daycare kids usually sleep in separate areas, but I forgot to separate them on this day, and then I realized they were awfully quite...Which either means: trouble or this (sleeping)! They were wiped out! 

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