Friday, March 5, 2010

Say Cheese!!

Because I haven't posted in a while, and we actually haven't done anything real exciting since Florida, except play wii for hours on end, ride the vintage snowmobiles, and work on racecars.... I'll post some more pics of Mason!

And yes, most parents usually get their child's picture taken on or near their annual birthday, but I tend to procrastinate at things that involve making an appointment and paying for services... Hence, why Mason turned 3 on January 11th, and still hasn't had a 3 year check up with his doctor (which will probably just get bypassed til he's 4). 

But back to pictures...... Mason dropped my camera and broke it!  And then Shane and Neil tried to fix it, and well, broke it MORE!  And yes, I told Mason that he was buying me a new one, and he replied "I don't have any monnnnney!"  To which I told him that I would take his birthday money to pay for it (because I was so upset at him for always being so clumsy and careless).  But of course, I did not take his money, because broken things are a given when raising children!  And he's just too cute to get mad at!! 

So, we were shopping one night and were looking at new cameras, and I said that I'd go home and do some research as to which one would work best for me (and to be honest, I didn't even have enough money in my checking account to buy it that night)...  Well, Shane went and bought the one I had been looking at and gave it to me for Valentine's Day! 

So I finally did Mason's 3 year pics (with my new camera)!  And for $25, I got all the 5x7's and 8x10's needed for the family, instead of the normal $80-$100 that I used to spend!  And it's good to be able to save some money, cause in about 7 months we'll be having to buy diapers again!!!  Yes, we are having another baby!  But I promised Mason he would always be my "Best Bud", so I gotta figure out a way to explain that to the new one! :)

It was dark and I had the kitchen light on, that's why he looks like a 'red head' in this pic!

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