Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Last, but not Least...

Here is the 3rd (and final) car with the graphics on!  It started out as a bare frame just to have as a spare, and he'd put it together if and when he ever needed it.  Well, someone offered him a complete roller at a steal of a deal, so he put it together with some spare parts laying around (and a few new ones).  What's he gonna do when he needs those spare parts for his primary cars? I don't know...take this one apart!

Friday we are off to the first race weekend of the season (besides Florida), Chateau Raceway in Lansing, MN...weather permitting, then to Deer Creek Speedway in Spring Valley, MN on Saturday.  Neither of these tracks run Wissota modifieds in there program, so it will be with the Midwest mod only.  Hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful weather lately!

Thanks to Greg George Grafix out of Princeton, MN for doing such a great job on the wraps!


Fouquette Racing said...

Good luck this weekend! Hopefully the weather stays nice. Let us know Shane places :-)

bcdc in Annandale said...

The wrap on the last car looks great!
Good luck this weekend!