Tuesday, December 9, 2014


So the other day I was browsing the internet during naptime and thought I'd visit this ole' blog and take a stroll through various posts.  I read, and read, and couldn't stop.  Stuff I had written, so obviously it wasn't new news to me.  But it was like a good book that I just couldn't put down. (Let's be honest though, I'm not really a book reader).  So why did I keep reading, when after the first sentence I already knew what the post was going to be about?  Because it brought back memories.  Memories of Braelyn beginning to walk and crawl brought back a feeling of pride and joy, and even the times I posted about what a little trouble maker she was is brought a smile to my face. And how Mason apparently went to bed one night as a 2 year old and woke up at age 7.  Because looking back at how sweet and little he was and how grown up he is now, brings tears to my eyes that time surely does pass, and seemingly faster when watching children grow.  So why am I back?  For that.  For us to look back on and realize that even though the days come and go, life was lived.  And sometimes big events happen in life (a new house, a new job, a newborn baby, etc.), but most of the time, life is made of a million small moments and very few big ones.  I don't want to forget them.  Feel free to follow along (or don't...doesn't really matter to me! haha!)

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