Monday, December 7, 2009

Track Banquets

I just wanted to recap a few highlights of the racing banquets that we've attended.  The most recent was KRA (Willmar's banquet) at the Spicer Legion.  Sorry to all the other tracks, but this was my personal favorite for the food....dang, was it good!  Willmar tied North Central (Brainerd) in thoughtfulness of giving the drivers something above and beyond what was expected.  Brainerd gave a check to the drivers (aside from the Wissota point-fund check), which no other track did, so that was very nice of them!  And Willmar gave away rings (titanium, I think) to the champions.  They were brushed to look checkered...Pic below, and whoever picked them out...props to you!  Shane received two (one for each class), so we put one away and will give it to Mason when he grows up!  The I-94 banquet was scheduled the same night as Brainerd's, so we were not able to attend that one.  And no one really knows when/if the Golden Spike will even have a we shall see. 

Well, that's all for now! Happy Monday!

Dan Ebert, Dan Gullikson, Shane and Tim Johnson (NCS Champs)

Ring from KRA (Willmar)

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