Real boys ride pink bikes!!
Don't touch the 'do!

Well, what was suppose to be the winding down of the race season, has turned into quite a dilemma! Racing is down to 2 nights a week now, and Friday we traveled to Deer Creek Speedway. Just Shane, Mason, and I went, with directions from the GPS. We've been there enough times to know better, but I apparently had pushed the button "shortest route", instead of "fastest route", so we were driving though housing develoments, and small towns, and ended up getting there 15 minutes after the races were suppose to start. They had had a ton of rain, so thankfully were running late trying to pack the track in. We pulled into the pit, unloaded the car, and they were announcing for the 1st heat of mwm to line up. He rushed to get to staging, and ended up winning the heat, and finished 4th in the feature!
Saturday was KRA's (Willmar) Fall Festival, and we would have been much better off staying home, But one never knows the outcome until it's too late. Shane was running 2nd in the mwm, when he got spun out, and unfortunately drivers had no where to go, so Shane's car was wrecked! Thankfully racing has pretty much come to an end, so we're not forced with a hurried decision to fix it, but we will see what the week brings. Hopefully the boys at J-car are slow this week!! It's always fun at the Fall Classic, and it would be nice to have both cars there!
The A-mod got into a wreck as well, but is fixable! Grandpa will bring it tomorrow morning to the frame rack, after an incident (also at Willmar's fall festival) involving a couple cars and the infield tire. Needless to say, it was not a good night, but better to happen at the end of the race season than the middle of the grind!
Well, who knows where we will venture to this weekend (Bemidji, Lansing, Ashland, or Cedar Lake are the options). In 2 weeks is Viking's Fall Classic, and that is the final weekend of racing. Oh, what to do all winter?!? As much of a chore that racing can sometimes be, I still dread the boring winters!! Good Monday to All, and Welcome Fall!!