Friday, November 5, 2010

One Week

Today, Braelyn is 1 week old and we are so blessed to have her in our life!  She has been a great baby thus far (and I'm praying she continues to be).  She is pretty much like clock-work for feeding...exactly every 3 hours she cries (and will not stop) until she is fed.  We go to bed around 10pm and are up every 3 hours for a new diaper and food, and sleep til usually 10am.  Gosh, how on earth will I be able to wake up at 5:45am when daycare kids come back?! Maybe I'll win the lottery before then!! However, that would include driving somewhere to get a ticket, and since Shane went back to work this past Wednesday, I haven't left the house.  Mostly because I'm afraid to take 2 kids out (since we all went to Walmart on Tuesday and Mason was a handful to say the least). 

More pics....

 Sunday my sister (Tina) and her kids took Mason to a Halloween party their church put on, with games & candy, so we never took him out trick or treating, which was a relief with a 2 day old.

He has been a great big brother, and is my helper (throws away diapers, and gets things I need), but he refuses to let Dad spend any time with his sister.  I think he thinks Braelyn is my kid, and Mason is dad's kid.

 We've also had a few people ask how to pronounce her name..... Basically just like it's spelled.  We say it as one name (Braelyn), not 2 (Brae - Lyn).  It's hard to type how to say something, but the faster you say it, the more correct it is!  (If that makes any sense!) :) 
Nap time now.....gotta go!


Eystad Baby said...

I can't believe she is already a week old, crazy how time goes by. Mason is such a proud big brother and he should be-she is adorable..I love the new pictures!

Fouquette Racing said...

Ha ha! It looks like you already got the gift I bought Braelyn. I will have to stop in soon - we are so busy packing! Love the picture with the wedding rings!